Nokia V3.0.70 manual Limitations

Models: V3.0.70

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Devicescape Easy Wi-Fi User Guide for Nokia Eseries and Nseries Phones


Hidden SSIDs

Wi-Fi networks with hidden SSIDs (i.e., the network name is not broadcast) cannot be connected to via the Easy Wi-Fi access point. If you need to use a network with a hidden SSID, you will need to manually add that network as a new access point and then manually select it when prompted to select an access point. You can add a hidden SSID network as a new access point by going to Tools -> Settings -> Connection -> Access points -> Options -> New access point.

CA certificates

In order to enhance your security at public hotspots, Easy Wi-Fi makes sure a hotspot is authentic before automatically logging you in. This prevents you from being connected to phony hotspots that have been setup to steal your username, password and other personal data.

In order to check the authenticity of a hotspot, Easy Wi-Fi examines a digital certificate supplied by the hotspot and compares it with a list of trusted certificate authority (CA) certificates. Your phone, however, may only have a limited set of trusted CA certificates. If your phone does not have a required CA certificate, then you will be prompted to accept the unknown certificate from the hotspot during the login process. This may reduce your ability to safely use a wide variety of public hotspots.

In order to improve your security you can download and install a larger collection of trusted CA certificates from

©2007-2009 Devicescape Software, Inc. The Devicescape, My Devicescape, and Easy Wi-Fi names and logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Devicescape Software, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Version 3.0.70, issued: 28 April 2009

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Copyright © 2007-2009 Devicescape Software, Inc.


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Nokia V3.0.70 manual Limitations