Headset Reference Design v1.0
There are five buttons on the application board and these are connected to the AVR micro controller on the radio module as shown in Figure 10. ”Button mapping”.
| SW1 |
| AVR pin 23 |
SW2 | SW3 | SW4 |
AVR pin 24 | AVR pin 25 | AVR pin 26 |
| SW2 |
| AVR pin 27 |
Figure 10. Button mapping
The radio module can be programmed through the
1.If the unit has never been programmed, set the AVR fuses:
•Preserve EEPROM memory through chip erase cycle; [EESAVE = 0]
•Clock output on PORTB0; [CKOUT=0]
•Ext.Crystal Osc. Frequency 3.0 - 8.0MHz; [CKSEL=1101 SUT=11]
2.Write the SW hex file into the AVR program memory.
3.Write a
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