Setting Display Language, Date and Time

5 Change the date and time.


Press Hor Ito edit the highlighted item.

Press Kto move the cursor in the following order.


















2 0 1 0

D -> M -> Y -> Hour -> Minute -> D M Y

0 1



0 1









Press Jto return to the previous item.


0 0


0 0















6 Choose the order in which the day, month


and year are displayed and press kor K.


The settings are applied.

1 5

0 5

2 0 1 0

1 5


1 0


Steps First

7 Make sure that the lens cap has been removed, then press A.

The shooting-mode selection menu is displayed.

Press this button in shooting mode for shooting- mode selection menu.

8 When Easy auto mode is displayed, press k.

Easy auto mode

The camera enters shooting mode and you can take pictures in Easy auto mode (A20).

Press the multi selector Hor Ibefore k, to switch to another shooting mode (A34).

DChanging the Date and Time, Date Imprint

To change the date and time, select Date from Date (A98) in the setup menu (A93) and follow the instructions starting from the above step 5.

To change the time zone and the daylight saving settings, select Time zone from Date in the setup menu (A98, 99).

To imprint the shooting date into images when taking pictures, make sure the date and time are

set, then set Date imprint (A103) in the setup menu.