Agent and Supervisor features
Logging in using Multiple Queue Assignments (for Basic ACD)
If your configuration uses Multiple Queue Assignment (MQA), use the
following procedure. MQA login involves entering a four-digit Agent ID
and up to five ACD Directory Numbers (DN), with the option of adding a
Supervisor ID and up to five Priority values.
Choose one of the following login procedures:
“Logging in with an Agent ID and MQA login options” on page19
“Using Default Login” on page21

Logging in with an Agent ID and MQA login options

To enter ACD queues, use an Agent ID login with one of the MQA login
options described on page 20.
Note: A supervisor logging in to accept ACD calls is prevented by the
system from entering a Supervisor ID (including logins where agents
must enter a Supervisor ID).
6. If you use a headset and Handset On-
Hook Means Log out (HOML) is
configured to No by your administrator,
then do the following:
a. Press the Headset key and replace
the handset in the cradle to receive
calls on your headset.
b. Press the Services key. Change the
On hook default path to Headset
Note: If HOML is configured to Yes,
replace the handset to log out of the