Estimated Time to Backup an OPC
The estimated time for OPC backup to complete is dependent on the following:
•available bandwidth
•number of controllers
•concurrent jobs setting under the user preferences of the GUI
Estiimated time to backup an OPC
# of OPC | 56kb/s | 56 kb/s | 1.544 mb/s (T1) | 1.544 mb/s (T1) |
| Conc_Job=1 | Conc_Job=5 | Conc_Job=1 | Conc_Job=5 |
1 | 27 minutes | 27 minutes | 17 minutes | 17 minutes |
10 | 135 minutes | 45 minutes | 27 minutes | 25 minutes |
50 | 615 minutes | 165 minutes | 115 minutes | 65 minutes |
150 | 1815 minutes | 465 minutes | 315 minutes | 165 minutes |
Estimated Time to Backup an NP
The estimated time for NP backup to complete is dependent on the following:
•# of NPs on the same MOA
•available bandwidth
•number of NPs
Estimated time to backup an NP
# of NP | 56 kb/s | 1.544 mb/s (T1) |
1 | 7 minutes | 4 minutes |
10 | 70 minutes | 40 minutes |
50 | 350 minutes | 20 minutes |
150 | 1050 minutes | 600 minutes |
Additional Capacities
The following table shows the engineering capacities for the backup and restore GUI usage, as well the number of simultaneous backups and restores allowed.
Integrated Network Management | Rel 1.0 Standard July 1999 |