NVIDIA Corporation 39
Using the NVIDIA MediaShield RAID Management Utility
Assigning a Dedicated DiskTo mark a disk as dedicated, or reserve it for use by a specific array, you must have at
least one free disk and you must also have at least two RAID 1, RAID 0+1, or RAID 5
arrays created. In this example, there are two mirrored arrays and two free disks.
Step 1: Mark the Disk as a Free Disk
1Enter the system BIOS setup and make sure that the drive that you want to mark as free
is RAID enabled.
2Boot into Windows and run the MediaShield program.
If the disk is not part o f any RAID ar ray, then it will appear under the Fr ee Disk sect ion
of the RAID GUI.
Step 2: Dedicate the Free Disk to an Array
While running MediaShield, dedicate a free disk to an array by doing the following:
1Right click one of the two Mirrored arrays as shown below
Figure 3.8
Designate Spare Pop-up Menu