The Oki Colour Correct Utility is provided on your printer driver CD-ROM. You must install it separately since it is not installed along with the printer driver.

The Colour Correct utility has the following features:

>Microsoft Office palette colours can be individually adjusted. This is useful if you want to change how a specific colour is printed.

>Colours can be adjusted by changing Hue, Saturation and Gamma. This is useful if you wish to change the overall colour output.

Once these colour adjustments have been made, the new settings can be selected from the printer driver Colour tab.

To select adjustments made with the Colour Correct Utility:

1.From your application program, click File and point to Print.

2.Click Properties. This displays the printer driver options.

3.Click the Colour tab.

4.Click Advanced Colour.

5.Click User Defined.

Select the colour adjustment you made with the Colour Correct Utility.

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