ES 1220n Menu Functions • 200
SYMBOL SET IBM-437, IBM-850, IBM-860,
IBM-863, IBM-865, PC Set1,
PC Ext US, PC Ext D/N, PC
Set2 US, PC Set2 D/N,
Roma3n-8, ISO L1, PC-8,
PC-8 Dan/Nor, PC-850,
Legal, ISO-2 IRV, ISO-4 UK,
ISO-6 ASC, ISO-10 S/F,
ISO-11 Swe, ISO-14 JASC,
ISO-15 Ita , ISO-16 Por, ISO-
17 Spa, ISO-21 Ger, ISO-25
Fre, ISO-57 Chi, ISO-60 Nor,
ISO-61 Nor, ISO-69 Fre,
ISO-84 Por, ISO-85 Spa,
German, Spanish, ISO
Dutch, Roman Ext, ISO
Swedish1, ISO Swedish2,
ISO Swedish3, VN Int'l, VN
US, VN Math, PS Math, PS
Text, Math-8, Pi Font, MS
Publish, in 3.0, DeskTop,
Win 3.1 L1, MC Text, PC-
852, Win 3.1 L5, Win 3.1 L2,
CWI Hung, PC-857 TK, ISO
L2, ISO L5, PC-8 TK,
Kamenicky, Hebrew NC,
Hebrew OC, Plska Mazvia,
ISO L6, Win 3.1 Heb, Win
3.1 Cyr, PC-866, Win 3.1
Grk, PC-869, PC-855,
Greek-437, Greek-437 Cy,
Greek-737, Greek-928,
Serbo Croat2, Ukrainian,
Bulgarian, PC-1004, Win 3.1
Blt, PC-775, Serbo Croat1,
PC-858, Roman-9, ISO L9
Specifies the symbol set to
be used.
Specifies the style that
replaces 9B Hex with the
letter o and 9D Hex with a
PPR Emulation Menu (continued)
Note: Factory default settings are shown in bold.
Item Settings Explanation