ES 1220n Software Utilities • 335

Log Pull-down Menu

(for more information, see NOTES box below)

Help Pull-down Menu

Display Logs Changes the display from Total to Logs.
Display Total† Changes the display to Total per Printer,
Account ID or month.
Export Report
Exports the required fields for the report macro
in a .csv file.
Export Logs† Exports the log as a .csv file.
Export Total† Exports totals by Printer, Account ID or
month as a .csv file.
Delete the log† Deletes the selected log
Display Details Switches Default display/Details display.‡
Display/Export Item
Selects the items to be displayed at Default
Log Storing
Sets where you wish to store the logs.
Refresh Display Refreshes the display.
Server ID Displays Server ID.
Help Displays the Help Topics window with
Contents, Index and Find tabs.
Version Info Displays version information.