– 50 –
D-sub 25 Pin
Pin No. Signal name Direction Function
20 DTR OUT 2) ESC/POS Mode
A) DTR communication mode
Indicates whether data receive from host is enabled
or disabled.
Space: Receive enabled
Mark: Receive disabled
The busy condition can be changed by using DIP Switch
1-6 as follows:
Printer status DIP Switch 1-6
1. During the period from when
the power is turned on (includ-
ing resetting using the interface)
to when the printer is ready to
receive data.
2. During the self printing. BUSY BUSY
3. When the cover is open. BUSY
4. During the paper feeding by
FEED button. — BUSY
5. When the printer stops printing
due to a paper-end. — BUSY
6. During macro executing standby
status. — BUSY
7. When an error has occurred. — BUSY
8. When the receive buffer be-
comesfull. BUSY BUSY
B) X-On/X-Off Communication Mode
Always space, except during following conditions:
• Period between reset and communication enabled
• During self printing
21~24 N/C Not used.
25 INIT IN When DIP Switch 3-8 = OFF;
Status of this signal is not checked.
When DIP Switch 3-8 = ON;
This is an externally reset signal.
A space above 1 ms pulse width engages reset.