Aperture setting Aperture priority shooting
1In the top menu, select MODE MENU TCAMERATA/S/M/ TA,
then press to complete the setting. To start shooting, press
2To increase the
aperture value (F
value), press Ñ.To decrease the aperture
value (F value), press ñ.
Shutter speed setting Shutter priority shooting
1In the top menu, select MODE MENU TCAMERATA/S/M/ TS,
then press to complete the setting. To start shooting, press
2To set the shutter
speed faster, press
Ñ.To set the shutter
speed slower, press ñ.
1In the top menu, select MODE MENU TCAMERATA/S/M/ TM,
then press to complete the setting. To start shooting, press
Aperture & Shutter speed setting Manual shooting
To set the shutter speed faster, press Ñ.
To set the shutter speed slower, press ñ.
To increase the aperture
value (F value), press
To decrease the aperture
value (F value), press í.