Olympus D200-L, D-300L manual Installing Provided Software, Introduction

Models: D200-L D-300L

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1. Introduction

The Olympus digital camera’s software is distributed on a single CD-ROM. This CD contains all the required software for the user to download images from the camera and manipulate them on your desktop computer. In addition, the software provides the user with the ability to control certain camera features and snap pictures while in a “tethered mode.”

Modules are developed for the two most popular personal computer operating systems:

MS Windows

Camera Acquisition and communications Module

Adobe PhotoDeluxe for Windows / Windows 95 CD

Macintosh compatible


Camera Acquisition and communications Module


Adobe PhotoDeluxe for Macintosh (CD)


Installation of the software can follow one of several scenarios :


User do not have any image manipulation software resident


on your computer.


User already has Adobe PhotoShop or compatible software


package installed on their computer.

2. Installation

In order to download images from the camera or control the camera via the computer, you will need a software application that has either :

an Adobe PhotoShop 3.0.5 standard plug-in interface (Macintosh™), or a TWAIN v1.6 compliant interface (Windows™ / Windows 95™).

If you do not own such software, Olympus has supplied a version of Adobe PhotoDeluxe. To install Adobe PhotoDeluxe, please refer to the supplied Adobe PhotoDeluxe documentation. Documentation is found on the CD-ROM.

As mentioned, the digital camera’s acquisition and communications software modules are structured as standard plug-ins for popular image manipulation software applications.

For Microsoft Windows™ systems, the Olympus digital camera’s software employs the TWAIN standard to communicate with the camera.

For Macintosh™ systems, the Olympus digital camera’s software employs an Adobe PhotoShop compatible plug-in module.

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Olympus D200-L, D-300L manual Installing Provided Software, Introduction