Olympus D-300L, D200-L manual

Models: D200-L D-300L

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6When you close the lens barrier, all control panel indications disappear and the power turns off.

Even after turning off the power or replacing the batteries, pictures remain stored in memory.


It is also possible to take pictures using the LCD monitor as a viewfinder. However, it is better to use the optical viewfinder since the camera is less likely to shake and pictures are easier to take. Refer to Page 26 for details on taking pictures using the LCD monitor.

Whenever the Writing indicator is blinking, it means that the camera is still processing the image. If you press the shutter release button while the indicator is blinking, the shutter won’t release.


When the camera is being operated on battery power and the batteries are running low, the camera may emit several short beeps and blink the number of remaining pictures on the control panel after you take

a shot. If this happens, the picture you have just taken may not turn out properly. Replace the batteries and take your picture again.


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Olympus D-300L, D200-L manual