Olympus digital voice recorder manual Troubleshooting, Symptom Probable cause Action

Models: digital voice recorder

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Probable cause



The maximum number of index marks (32) has

Erase unnecessary index marks (P.32).


been reached.



Unable to set index

The file is locked.

Unlock the file (P.35).





The SD card is locked.

Unlock the SD card.




Unable to set verbal

The maximum number of verbal comments (32)

Erase unnecessary verbal comments (P.31).


has been reached.


Cannot find the

Wrong recording media or folder.

Switch to the correct recording media or folder

recorded file

(P.18, P.28, P.38).


Cannot find the

The transferred files are either not supported by

The recorder can recognize only file format

this recorder or MP3 files recorded on devices

transferred files

supported by this recorder*.

other than Olympus recorders.



Cannot connect to

Sometimes a connection cannot be made with

You need to change the PC’s USB settings. See

a PC

some PCs running Windows XP, Vista or 7.

ODMS software online help for details (P.46).




*Supports file formats: DS2 (DSS Pro QP or DSS Pro SP), DSS (QP or SP), MP3 (256kbps or 128 kbps), PCM (44.1 kHz/16 bit)

For MP3 files created using other Olympus recorders, support may be extended to other bitrates as well.





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Olympus digital voice recorder manual Troubleshooting, Symptom Probable cause Action