Olympus digital voice recorder manual Formatting the card Format

Models: digital voice recorder

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Formatting the card [Format]

Cards that have been used in non-Olympus devices, or cards that are not recognized by the recorder, must be formatted before they can be used with the recorder.

1Select [Device Menu] at the [Format] screen, then press the OK/MENU button.

2Press the + or – button to select [SD Card] or [microSD Card], then press the OK/MENU button.

3Press the + or – button to select [Start] option.

4Press the OK/MENU button to confirm [Start] selection.


Formatting the card

5Press the + or – button again to select [Start] option.

6Press the OK/MENU button again to initiate the formatting process.

[Format Done] displays when formatting ends.



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Olympus digital voice recorder manual Formatting the card Format, Format Done displays when formatting ends