Save Recording
2,3 4
File Name Format
1To save the current recording, move the slide switch on the Directrec to the STOP position or press the (Stop) button to stop recording.
2Either press the NEW button on
Directrec or click the icon on the toolbar in the [Remote Edit] window.
[File Save] window will appear to save the data.
3To save the file, either press the NEW button on Directrec or click the [Save] button on the [Remote Edit] window.
The recorded data will be saved.
4The Directrec is now available for recording on a new file.
Move the slide switch on the Directrec to the REC position or press the (Record) button in the [Remote Edit] window to start recording.
File names are assigned in the following manner.
DR_2 0001.dssExtension
File number .... Aserial number automatically assigned by the DSS Player.
The ID that has been set on the Directrec. The default ID is “DR_2000”. The Author ID can be modified with DSS Player (☞