"Supersonic Wave Filter" – the unique |
Shutter |
Supersonic Wave Filter
In photography, it’s rare to get a second chance to take the shot. If the moment is missed, it’s gone. The most captivating picture can be ruined by the tiniest of dust particles that enter the camera body during lens changes. In analogue cameras, dust particles move with the film as it winds forward so that in most cases only one single picture is affected. In digital cameras, however, dust particles that settle on the image sensor stay there, accumu- late over time, and affect every picture. Merely microscopic particles can cover several hundred pixels on the CCD.
That not only spoils pictures but also
requires professional cleaning, which
costs time and money.
The effective solution for the E-500:
The Supersonic Wave Filter is located directly in front of the highly sensitive CCD. Powered by an ultrasonic generator, it produces vibrations that shake off the particles of dust. They then adhere to a
Low-pass filter
Attached lens: | Lens change: dust particles | Activation of the Supersonic | Clean image sensor: |
avoids dust getting inside | have landed on the dust filter in front | Wave Filter: the dust particles | no dust particle can affect |
camera body. | of the image sensor. | are shaken off. | image quality. |