Date, time, time zone, and language
The date and time set here are saved to image file names, date prints, and other data. You can also choose the language for the menus and messages displayed in the monitor.
1 Press the nbutton to turn on the camera.
●The date and time setting screen is displayed when the date and time are not set.
| X |
| |
Y | M | D | Time |
. | . |
Cancel MENU
Date and time setting screen
2 Use FGto select the year for [Y].
Y M D Time
2011 .
Cancel MENU
3 Press Ito save the setting for [Y].
Y M D Time
2011 . 01 .
Cancel MENU
4 As in Steps 2 and 3, use FGHIto set
[M](month), [D] (day), [Time] (hours and minutes), and [Y/M/D] (date order), and then press the A button.
For precise time setting, press the A button as the time signal strikes 00 seconds.
To change the date and time, adjust the setting from the menu. [X] (Date/time) (p. 48)
5 Use HIto select the [x] time zone and then press the A button.
●Use FGto turn daylight saving time ([Summer]) on or off.
’11.10.26 00:00
Summer | Set OK |
The menus can be used to change the selected time zone. [World Time] (p. 48)
6 Use FGHIto select your language and press the A button.
The menus can be used to change the selected language. [l] (p. 47)
EN 15