From the screen’s Calibration List (right-hand
figure), select the desired types of calibration.
In the example shown we have selected:
o Channel Offset A/D (Single-Ended)
o Channel Gain A/D (Single-Ended)
After making the selections, click the
<Calibrate> button (see preceding figure).
Steps specific to your device will now display.
Selecting the Desired Calibrations
Follow the on-screen instructions for your device. Note that every time you are prompted to
<Go To Next Step> [and you do so] a new image and new steps will be displayed.
Example of an On-screen Graphic
DaqCal will prompt you to set various Calibrator voltages and to enter the
Digital Voltmeter (DVM) readings into a numeric field on the screen.
DaqCal will instruct you step-by-step throughout the entire calibration.
Each completed step will result in a prompt to <Go To the Next Step>.
Enter a Voltage Value
as Measured by the DVM
Note: Some calibration points may be insignificant to your application. If this
is the case you can click the <Skip> button, in those instances, if
Note that other buttons allow you to <Repeat Previous Step> or to return
<Back to Main Window>; as indicated in the preceding button bar graphic.
In most cases the user proceeds sequentially, one step at a time; clicking the
<Go To Next Step> button upon completion of each step.
DaqCal informs you when all calibration steps for your device have been
pg. vi_DaqCal 918494 User Calibration Guide, 457-0931 rev 1.0