OMG-CONV-485-ISO Page 8
Once the software installation is complete, the port must be configured for ‘RTS
Enable’. This is accomplished by using the Device Manager in Windows 9X,
ME, and Windows 2000. The port that the OMG-CONV-485-ISO is attached
must be selected under Ports (COM & LPT). Access the ‘RTS Enable’ checkbox
via the ‘Advanced’ dialog. In Windows NT, the ‘Advanced Ports’ applet should
be used for configuration.
Other Operating Systems
Linux includes a full featured serial driver that includes support not found in
Microsoft’s serial driver. Most serial drivers offer a mechanism to control RTS
from the application layer. While this is not as efficient and normally means using
Echo’ to know when to turn off the transmitter, for most applications this is
adequate. The ‘Auto Enable’ and ‘Data Enable’ modes can also be used. Refer to
your operating system documentation for specifics.