7-3SectionSelf-diagnostic Functions
7-3-2 User-defined ErrorsThere are three instructions that can be used to define errors or messages.
FAL(06) causes a non-fatal error, FAL(07) causes a fatal error, and MSG(46)
sends a message to the Programming Console or host computer connected to
the PC.
FAL(06) is an instruction that causes a non-fatal error. The following will occur
when an FAL(06) instruction is executed:
1, 2, 3... 1. The ERR indicator on the CPU Board will flash. PC operation will continue.
2. The instruction’s 2-digit BCD FAL number (01 to 99) will be written to
SR 25300 to SR 25307.
The FAL numbers can be set arbitrarily to indicate particular conditions, but the
same number should not be used as both an FAL number and an FALS number.
To clear an FAL error, correct the cause of the error and then execute FAL 00 or
use a Programming Device to clear the error.
FALS(07) is an instruction that causes a fatal error. The following will occur when
an FALS(07) instruction is executed:
1, 2, 3... 1. Program execution will be stopped and all outputs will be turned OFF.
2. The ERR indicator on the CPU Board will be lit.
3. The instruction’s 2-digit BCD FALS number (01 to 99) will be written to
SR 25300 to SR 25307.
The FALS numbers can be set arbitrarily to indicate particular conditions, but the
same number should not be used as both an FAL number and an FALS number.
To clear an FALS error, use a Programming Device to switch the PC to PRO-
GRAM Mode, correct the cause of the error, and then clear the error.
MSG(46) is used to display a message on a Programming Device connected to
the CPM2B. The message, which can be up to 16 characters long, is displayed
when the instruction’s execution condition is ON.
7-3-3 Non-fatal ErrorsPC operation and program execution will continue after one or more of these
errors have occurred. Although PC operation will continue, the cause of the error
should be corrected and the error cleared as soon as possible.
When one of these errors occurs, the POWER and RUN indicators will remain lit
and the ERR indicator will flash.
Message FAL No. Meaning and appropriate response
(** is 01 to 99 or 9B.) 01 to 99 An FAL(06) instruction has been executed in the program. Check the FAL number to
determine conditions that would cause execution, correct the cause, and clear the
9B An error has been detected in the PC Setup. Check flags AR 1300 to AR 1302, and
correct as directed.
AR 1300 ON: An incorrect setting was detected in the PC Setup (DM 6600 to
DM 6614) when power was turned on. Correct the settings in PROGRAM Mode and
turn on the power again.
AR 1301 ON: An incorrect setting was detected in the PC Setup (DM 6615 to
DM 6644) when switching to RUN or MONITOR mode. Correct the settings in
PROGRAM Mode and switch to RUN or MONITOR mode again.
AR 1302 ON: An incorrect setting was detected in the PC Setup (DM 6645 to
DM 6655) during operation. Correct the settings and clear the error.
SCAN TIME OVER F8 The cycle time has exceeded 100 ms. (SR 25309 will be ON.)
This indicates that the program cycle time is longer than recommended. Reduce cycle
time if possible. (The CPM2B can be set so that this error won’t be detected.)
Battery error
(no message) F7 If the voltage of the C500-BAT08 backup battery is below the minimum level, the ERR
indicator will flash and SR 25308 will be turned ON.
Replace the battery. (See 7-6 Battery Replacement for details.)