6-2SectionProgramming Console Operations
6-2 Programming Console Operations

6-2-1 Overview

The following table lists the programming and monitoring operations that can be

performed from a Programming Console. Refer to the rest of this section for

details on operational procedures.

Name Function Page
Clearing memory Clears all or part of the Program Memory and any data areas that are not
read-only, as well as the contents of the Programming Consoles memory. 85
Reading/clearing error
messages Displays and clears error messages and displays MESSAGE instruction
messages. 86
Buzzer operation Turns on and off the buzzer that sounds when Programming Console keys
are pressed. 86
Assigning expansion
instruction function codes Reads or changes the function codes assigned to expansion instructions 87
Setting a program memory
address Sets the specified program memory address when reading, writing,
inserting and deleting programs. 88
Reading a program memory
address Reads the contents of the Program Memory. Displays the status of the
currently displayed bit in PROGRAM and MONITOR modes. 88
Instruction search Finds occurrences of the specified instruction in the program. 91
Bit operand search Finds occurrences of the specified operand bit in the program. 92
Inserting and deleting
instructions Inserts or deletes instructions from the program. 93
Entering or editing programs Overwrites the contents of the current Program Memory to either input a
program for the first time or to change a program that already exists. 88
Checking the program Checks for programming errors and displays the program address and
error when errors are found. 94
Bit, digit, word monitor Monitors the status of up to 16 bits and words, although only 3 can be
shown on the display at one time. 94
Multiple address monitor Monitors the status of up to 6 bits and words simultaneously. 96
Differentiation monitor Monitors the up or down differentiation status of a particular bit. 96
Binary monitor Monitors the ON/OFF status of any words 16 bits. 97
Three-word monitor Monitors the status of three consecutive words. 98
Signed decimal monitor Converts the contents of the specified word from signed hexadecimal
(twos complement format) to signed decimal for display. 98
Unsigned decimal monitor Converts hexadecimal data in a word to unsigned decimal for display. 99
3-word data modification Changes the contents of one or more of the 3 consecutive words
displayed in the 3-Word Monitor operation. 99
Changing timer, counter SV 1 Changes the SV of a timer or counter. 100
Changing timer, counter SV 2 Makes fine adjustment changes to the SV of the timer or counter. 100
Hexadecimal, BCD data
modification Changes the BCD or hexadecimal value of a word being monitored. 101
Binary data modification Changes the status of a words bits when the word is being monitored. 101
Signed decimal data
modification Changes the decimal value of a word being monitored as signed decimal
data, within a range of 32,768 to 32,767. The contents of the specified
word are converted automatically to signed hexadecimal (twos
complement format.)
Unsigned decimal data
modification Changes the decimal value of a word being monitored as unsigned
decimal data, within a range of 0 to 65,535. A change into hexadecimal
data is made automatically.
Force set/reset Forces bits ON (force set) or OFF (force reset.) 104
Clear force set/reset Restores the status of all bits which have been force set of reset. 104
Hex-ASCII display change Converts word data displays back and forth between 4-digit hexadecimal
data and ASCII. 105