4-5SectionPC Setup
Word(s) FunctionBit(s)
DM 6648 00 to 07 Node number (Host Link)
00 to 31 (BCD)
(Any other setting specifies a node number of 00, causes a non-fatal error, and turns ON AR
08 to 11 Start code selection for no-protocol communications
0: Disables start code; 1: Enables start code in DM 6649
(Any other setting disables the start code, causes a non-fatal error, and turns ON AR 1302.)
12 to 15 End code selection for no-protocol communications
0: Disables end code; 1: Enables end code in DM 6649; 2: Sets end code of CR, LF.
(Any other setting disables the end code, causes a non-fatal error, and turns ON AR 1302.)
DM 6649 00 to 07 Start code (00 to FF)
(This setting is valid only when bits 8 to 11 of DM 6648 are set to 1.)
08 to 15 When bits 12 to 15 of DM 6648 set to 0:
Sets the number of bytes to receive. (00: 256 bytes; 01 to FF: 1 to 255 bytes)
When bits 12 to 15 of DM 6648 set to 1:
Sets the end code. (00 to FF)
Peripheral Port Communications Settings
The following settings are effective after transfer to the PC.
If CPU Board Communications Switch SW202 is ON, communications through the peripheral port are governed by the
default settings (all 0) regardless of the settings in DM 6650 through DM 6654. Communications through the peripheral
port are governed by the Programming Console protocol if Communications Switch SW201 is OFF.
DM 6650 00 to 03 Port settings
00:Standard (1 start bit, 7 data bits, even parity, 2 stop bits, 9,600 bps, Host Link unit number: 0)
01:Settings in DM 6651
(Any other setting specifies standard settings, causes a non-fatal error, and turns ON AR 1302.)
04 to 11 Not used.
12 to 15 Communications mode
0: Host Link or peripheral bus; 1: No-protocol
(Any other setting specifies Host Link, causes a non-fatal error, and turns ON AR 1302.)
DM 6651 00 to 07 Baud rate
00: 1,200 bps; 01: 2,400 bps; 02: 4,800 bps; 03: 9,600 bps; 04: 19,200 bps
08 to 15 Frame format
Start bits Data bits Stop bits Parity
00: 1 bit 7 bits 1 bit Even
01: 1 bit 7 bits 1 bit Odd
02: 1 bit 7 bits 1 bit None
03: 1 bit 7 bits 2 bits Even
04: 1 bit 7 bits 2 bits Odd
05: 1 bit 7 bits 2 bits None
06: 1 bit 8 bits 1 bit Even
07: 1 bit 8 bits 1 bit Odd
08: 1 bit 8 bits 1 bit None
09: 1 bit 8 bits 2 bits Even
10: 1 bit 8 bits 2 bits Odd
11: 1 bit 8 bits 2 bits None
(Any other setting specifies standard settings (1 start bit, 7 data bits; even parity, 2 stop bits),
causes a non-fatal error, and turns ON AR 1302.)