8.Connect the airtube; one end to the compressor unit and the other end to the bottom of the medication tank:
9. Hold the nebuliser in the position as shown below and switch the unit to ON (I) position.
10.Although the design of this nebuliser kit enables its use in a tilted position, sit as upright as possible during the inhalation. If you must be treated in bed, support yourself with pillows.
Always be calm and relaxed when you inhale. Breathe in slowly and deeply so that the medication can reach deep into the bronchial tubes. Hold your breath for a short time. Then breathe out slowly.
It is not necessary to remove the mouthpiece from your mouth; the inhalation- and exhalation valves are automatically controlled by your breathing. During inhalation, air will enter the nebuliser through the inha- lation valve. During your exhalation, exhaled air will leave the nebuliser through the exhalation valve. Do not try to breathe too quickly. Pause when you feel like having a rest.
Breathe in: | Breathe out: |
11.When the treatment is finished, set the OFF/ON switch (O/I) to the OFF (O) position and disconnect the power plug from the wall socket.
12.Clean the nebuliser kit (refer to the cleaning instructions on page 7).
Note: If a mask is used, remove the mouthpiece from the nebuliser cap and connect
the mask instead. Place it with the rubber band onto the face so that the mask will enclose the nose and the mouth. The tightness of the rubber band can be adjusted. The mask has openings which will enable unres- trained breathing.