Symptom | Possible cause | Remedy |
There’s no sound coming | The speaker cables are not connected properly. | Check the speaker cables and correct as necessary. |
from certain speakers? |
The speaker configuration is not set correctly. | Check the speaker configuration. | |
The subwoofer does not | The power plug is not fully inserted into the | Insert the power plug fully into the wall outlet. |
turn on? | wall outlet. |
| The OUTPUT LEVEL control is set to mini- | Turn up the OUTPUT LEVEL control. |
| mum. |
| The RCA cable is not properly connected to | Make sure that the RCA cable is properly con- |
The subwoofer produces | the subwoofer’s LINE INPUT. | nected to the subwoofer’s LINE INPUT. |
no sound? |
The level of the input signal was too low and | Slightly increase the subwoofer pre out output level | |
| the subwoofer entered Standby mode. | on your AV receiver. |
| The Subwoofer configuration is not set cor- | Check the subwoofer setting in the speaker config- |
| rectly. | uration on your AV receiver. |
The subwoofer produces | The source material contain little or no bass | Choose source material with more bass content. |
hardly any sound? | content. |
| The RCA cable is not properly connected to | Make sure that the RCA cable is properly con- |
A humming sound can be | the subwoofer’s LINE INPUT. | nected to the subwoofer’s LINE INPUT. |
heard from the sub- |
External interference from a TV or other elec- | Move the subwoofer and RCA cable away from the | |
woofer? | tronic device is being picked up. | interference source. Make sure your audio system |
| is grounded properly. |