Optimus 120-2117 manual Follow these steps to play a cassette tape, Fast-Forwardand Rewind

Models: 120-2117

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Note: To improve reception of strong stations, press LO/DX. The LO indicator lights.

5.Adjust VOL, BAL and TONE, as desired. Cassette Player Operation

WARNING: To prevent hearing damage, always turn the volume to its lowest level before you begin listening to a tape.

CAUTION: Avoid using C-120 cassette tapes. They are very thin and can easily become tangled in the tape-handling parts.

Follow these steps to play a cassette tape.

1.Take up any slack by turning the cassette's hub with your finger or a pencil. (Avoid touching the tape.)

2.Turn ON/VOL clockwise until it clicks to turn on the stereo.

3.Insert the tape into the cassette compartment with its open edge to the right. The tape begins to play, and the tape indicator lights.

4.If you are playing a metal or CrO2 tape, press MTL. The MTL indictor lights.

5.Adjust VOL, BAL and TONE to suit your listening preference.

6.Press (/\/>>) in all the way to stop the tape and eject the cassette. The radio plays.

CAUTION: We recommend you press (/\/>>) as soon as you finish playing a tape or before you leave your vehicle, to release it from the tape handling parts. This reduces the possibility of a tape being inadvertently tangled or damaged.

Note: When a tape reaches the end, the cassette player automatically stops and the radio plays, but the cassette player does not eject the tape

Fast-Forward and Rewind

To fast-forward the current side, press (/\/>>) about half-way in and the button locks. The tape quickly winds. To stop fast-forward, press gently and lightly and the button releases.

To rewind a tape, simply eject the tape by pressing (/\/>>) all the way

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Optimus 120-2117 manual Follow these steps to play a cassette tape, Fast-Forwardand Rewind