Tape Quality
For the best performance, use only regular length
(60- or 90- min ute) casse tte t apes. We d o not r ecom -
mend long-playing cassette tapes, such as C-120s,
because they are extremely thin and can easily tan-
gle in the playb ac k mec han is m.
Restoring Tape Tension and Sound
After you pl ay a cassette tap e se ve ral ti me s, the tape
might become tightly wound on the reels. This can
cause playback sound quality to deteriorate.
To restore the sound quality, fast-forward the tape
from the beginning to the end of one side, then com-
pletely re w ind it. Th en loose n th e t ape ree ls by ge ntl y
tapping each side of the cassette’s outer shell on a
flat surfac e.
14-1252.fm Page 19 Thursday, October 28, 1999 3:27 PM