Optimus SYSTEM 747 owner manual Cd Care Tips, Reviewing the Programmed Sequence

Models: SYSTEM 747

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Reviewing the Programmed Sequence

13-1295.fm Page 13 Wednesday, July 14, 1999 7:10 PM

6.Press PLAY/PAUSE Erasing the Programmed SequenceCD CARE TIPSManual background to play the tracks in the programmed order. PROGRAM appears and the sys- tem displays the current tray and track number.


You can use SKIP Manual backgroundManual backgroundManual background or SKIP

Manual backgroundManual backgroundManual background and Manual backgroundManual background SEARCH or Manual backgroundManual background

SEARCH to move between se- lections during programmed play.

You cannot use random play while a programmed sequence is stored.

Pressing DISC SKIP has no ef- fect while a programmed se- quence plays.

7.Programmed play automatically stops at the end of the last pro- grammed track. To stop the CD player at any time during pro- grammed play, press STOP Manual background . The last programmed CD’s num- ber and number of tracks appear.


To replace a track while play is stopped, repeatedly press PRO- GRAM until the track number you want to replace appears.

To add a track while play is stopped, press PROGRAM once, - - - appears. Then repeat Steps 3–5 to select and store the new track. The new track is added to the end of the programmed se- quence.

Reviewing the Programmed Sequence

While play is stopped, repeatedly press PROGRAM to review the pro- grammed sequence. You see the track number and the track’s se- quence number.

Erasing the Programmed Sequence

To erase the entire programmed se-

quence, press Manual background STOP twice. PRO- GRAM disappears and the current tray number and the number of tracks ap- pear. You can also erase the pro- grammed sequence by sliding FUNCTION to any other position.


Even though a compact disc is very durable, treat the CD surface with care. We recommend the following precautions:

Do not place anything but a CD in the disc tray. This can damage the drive mechanism.

Do not write on either side of the CD, particularly the non-label side (signals are read from the non-la- bel side).


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Optimus SYSTEM 747 owner manual Cd Care Tips, Reviewing the Programmed Sequence, Erasing the Programmed Sequence