If the product is working correctly the fault is on the telephone line. Please contact your network operator for assistance.
To order spare parts additional handsets, replacement batteries and in case of any technical issues you may have with this product please consult our website for further information or send us an email for a prompt response to your enquiry.
In the unlikely event of a fault developing, please contact us for assistance. If the product is then found to be faulty you will be asked to return it directly to us with a copy of the purchase receipt.
Oricom International Pty Ltd
Locked Bag 658
South Windsor NSW 2756
New Zealand
Atlas Gentech (NZ) Limited
Private Bag 14927,
Panmure, Auckland
New Zealand
Contactontact usus
Australia Customer support Email: support@oricom.com.au Web: www.oricom.com.au Fax: (02) 4574 8898
Ph: 1300 889 785
New Zealand Customer support Email: support@atlasgentech.co.nz Web: www.atlasgentech.co.nz Fax: (09) 574 2722
Ph: 0900 50 025 (Toll Call)
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