table of contents

1. Unpacking............................ 3

2. Parts List............................. 3

3. Assembly ............................ 3

4. Attaching a Telescope................... 4

5. Balancing a Telescope .................. 4

6. Setting Up and Using the Equatorial Mount . . 5

7. The Sirius EQ-G Dual-Axis Hand Controller.. 8

8. The Sirius EQ-G GoTo Hand Controller ....10

9. Specifications ........................20

10. Appendices......................... 21

1. unpacking
The entire mount will arrive in three boxes, one containing
the tripod, one containing the equatorial mount and one con-
taining the hand controller. Be careful unpacking the boxes.
We recommend keeping the boxes and original packaging.
In the event that the mount needs to be shipped to another
location, or returned to Orion for warranty repair, having the
proper packaging will ensure that your mount will survive the
journey intact.
Make sure all the parts in the Parts List are present. Be
sure to check the box carefully, as some parts are small.
If anything appears to be missing or broken, immediate-
ly call Orion Customer Support (800-676-1343) or email
support@telescope.com for assistance.
2. Parts list
Box 1: tripod
Qty. Item
1 Tripod
1 Counterweight (11lbs.)
1 Tripod center support tray
Box 2: Equatorial Mount
Qty. Item
1 Equatorial mount
1 Tube ring mounting plate
1 12V DC Power cable
If you’ve purchased the #7944 Dual-Axis hand controller:
Box 3: Dual‑axis Hand controller
Qty. Item
1 Dual-Axis hand controller
2 Nylon hook-and-loop strips (1 hook strip, 1 loop
1 Wire clip
If you’ve purchased the #7947 GoTo hand controller:
Box 3: Goto Hand controller
Qty. Item
1 GoTo hand controller
1 GoTo hand controller cable for Sirius EQ-G
1 GoTo hand controller cable for Atlas EQ-G
1 GoTo hand controller bracket
1 Computer interface cable (RS-232)
1 Wire clip
3. assembly
Refer to Figure 1 as needed during the assembly process.
1. Stand the tripod legs upright and spread the legs out as
far as they will go. Make certain that the leg lock levers
are tightened. Keep the tripod legs at their shor test (fully
retracted) length, for now; you can extend them to a more
desirable length later, after the mount is fully assembled.
2. Place the base of the equatorial mount onto the tripod
head. Orient the equatorial mount so that the post on the
tripod head lines up with the azimuth adjustment knobs on
the equatorial mou nt (Figure 2). You may need to loosen
Congratulations on your purchase of a quality Orion mount. Your new Sirius EQ-G mount works with many different
optical tubes. Designed for astronomical use, the Sirius EQ-G provides a solid, stable foundation for precise navigation of the
night sky. The internally-housed, dual-axis stepper motors provide smooth slewing and tracking of any celestial object. With a
little practice, you’ll find that the Sirius EQ-G mount is an invaluable tool for getting the most out of your astronomical observing
These instructions will help you set up and properly use your equatorial mount. Please read them over thoroughly before getting
Figure 2. Orient the equatorial head so the post on the tripod
lines up with the azimuth adjustment knobs on the equator ial mount.