Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting 159
one you were expecting. If you can’t find a match, check the linked
contact to make sure the correct profile is set as the primary profile (see
Link a contact).
CameraHere are some tips for taking good pictures with the camera:
•Clean the camera’s lens with a soft, lint-free cloth.
•Take pictures in bright lighting conditions. Low-light images may be
grainy, due to the sensitivity of the camera.
•Hold the phone as still as possible. Try supporting your picture-taking arm
up against your body or a stationary object (such as a wall).
•Keep the subject of the pictures still. Exposure time is longer with lower
light levels, so you may see a blur.
•For best results, verify that you have the brightest light source coming
from behind you, lighting the subject’s face. Avoid taking indoor pictures
with the subject in front of a window or light. If the light is behind the
subject, try moving closer to the subject and enabling the flash.
•Make sure the subject is at least 0.5 meter away from the camera to
ensure good focus.
•If you take a picture when the keyboard is slid out, press Space to
take the picture instead of tapping the onscreen shutter icon.
Transferring information from your computerI copied a group of music folders from my computer, but I can’t
see or play them on my phone
When you connect your phone to your computer in USB Drive mode, you
can copy any file onto your phone. However, each media application on
your phone—Photos, Music, and Videos—can display or play files in certain
file format s only. If your media fil e is in an un supported format, you c an’t use
it on your phon e.
When I open the Palm Pre drive folder from my computer, I see
subfolders. Do I need to move my files into these folders?
The default folders are there to help you organize files you copy to and from
your computer. But you can copy files from your com puter into any folder
you want—you can create you r own folde rs, or just d rag your fil es to the to p
level of th e drive. As lo ng as the f ile is in a supported format, your phone can
detect and open it.
NOTE If you move a music file into the ringtones folder, the Music
application cannot find it.
Backing up and restoring dataI need to reset my phone but don’t understand the difference
between a partial erase and a full erase
Both a partial erase and a full erase delete all personal information, such as
events, contacts, and tasks, as well as applications you have added, such as
third-party software, on your phone. In addition, a full erase deletes all files
stored in the USB Drive of your phone, which includes all pictures, videos,
music files, documents, and PDF files.
How do I get my data back after a full or partial erase?
After a full or a partial erase, on your phone, enter your existing Palm profile
email address, and password—don’t create a new one! When you do this, all
data that has been backed up to your profile—contacts, calendar events, and
tasks, as well as apps you bought through App Catalog—is restored to your