58 Chapter 5 : Email and other messages

How do I send and receive email on my phone?

Use the Email application on your phone to access the many email accounts
you have: company, ISP, and web-based (like Gmail). The Palm® Synergy™
feature makes it easy to synchronize all data from an online account: By
setting up a sync account for one app, synchronization of the other apps is
automa tical ly set u p for yo u. For exa mple, if you s et up yo ur Goo gle con tacts
account in Contacts before you set up Gmail, when you first open Email, you
find that your Gmail messages are already downloaded. And when you first
open Calendar, you find that your Google calendar events are already in
your phone’s Calendar app.
For email accounts that do not make use of the Synergy feature, you need to
enter the settings for that account—such as username and password—
directly in the Email application (see Set up email).
You can also use your phone's web browser to view your web-based
email—just go to the email provider’s website.

Merged inboxes in Email

You can set up multiple email accounts on your phone. When you open
Email, you see all your accounts in a single view: Account List view. From
there, you can open the inbox of an individual account—or, thanks to the
Synergy feature, you can see all messages from all your inboxes displayed in
a single merged view called All inboxes.
1Number to the right of All inboxes indicates total number of unread email messages.
2Number to the right of individual folder name indicates number of unread messages in that
If you reply to a message when you’re working in All inboxes, the message is
sent from the same account in which it was received.
If you create a new message when you’re working in All inboxes, the
message goes out using the account you set as the default account (see Set
email preferences).

Set up email

Before you use your phone to send or receive messages, check with your
wireless service provider for pricing and availability of email services and
data rate plans.