Palsonic PDP4250 owner manual Identifications of Controls, Speaker

Models: PDP4250

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Identifications of Controls (continued)

Remote Control

17. MODE

To access screen layout select menu

18. PIP display

To activate picture in picture

19. POS

To access PIP frame position select menu

20. SIZE

To access PIP frame size adjusting menu


In multi-picture mode, press this button to output the sound of the selected picture frame from speaker

22. SWAP

To exchange PIP and MAIN PICTURE source


In multi-picture mode, press this button to output the sound of the selected picture frame from headphone

24. MENU

To access the MENU main page 25.

: To move upward or downward in menu operation;

To adjust zoom rate in ZOOM mode and pan picture in PAN mode;

to select picture frame in multi-picture mode, the selected picture frame displays with a green border;

: To move left or right in menu operation;

To adjust selected menu item in menu operation; To pan picture in PAN mode;

: To confirm your operation or setting or access a submenu

26. AUTO

To rectify the picture automatically in VGA mode


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Palsonic PDP4250 owner manual Identifications of Controls, Speaker