Palsonic TFTV81HDT, TFTV68HDT Precaution about LCD Panel, Precaution with Manipulation


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Precaution about

LCD Panel

Precaution with Manipulation

Refrain from strong mechanical shock and / or any force to the LCD panel. In addition to damage, this may cause improper operation or damage to the module and FFL(CCFL) back-light.

Note that the surface of LCD panel is very fragile and could be easily damaged. Do neither press nor scratch the surface harder than a HB pencil lead.

Wipe off water droplets or oil immediately. If you leave the droplets for a long time, staining and discolouration may occur.

If the surface of the LCD panel is dirty, clean it using some absorbent cotton or soft cloth.

Desirable cleaners are water, IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) or Hexane.

Do not use Ketone type materials (ex. Acetone), Ethyl alcohol, Toluene, Ethyl acid or Methyl chloride. It might permanent damage to the LCD panel due to chemical reaction.

If the liquid crystal material leaks from the panel, it should be kept away from the eyes or mouth. In case of contact with hands, legs or clothes, it must be washed away thoroughly with soap.

Precaution in Operation

LCD products should be operated in standard environment. The standard environment which is ;

-Temperature : 20200C;

-Humidity : 655%; and

-Picture in Screen : Motion picture (avoid the still picture to prevent some afterimage)

Avoid a direct ray of the Sun.


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Palsonic TFTV81HDT, TFTV68HDT Precaution about LCD Panel, Precaution with Manipulation, Precaution in Operation