For fax advantage assistance, call 1-800-435-7329.
Using an answering machineProblem
●Your greeting message on the answering machine is too
long. Shorten the message (up to 10 seconds).
●The answering machine rings too many times. Set to 1 or
2 rings.
●The silent detection feature is deactivated. Activate feature
#40 (p. 57).
●Check if the answering machine is turned on and
connected to the fax machine properly (p. 46).
●Set the number of rings on the answering machine to 1
or 2.
●The remote access code on your answering machine is
the same as your fax activation code. Set a different
number for features #12 (p. 55) and #41 (p. 58).
●You did not program your remote access code in your fax
machine correctly. Program the same code that is
programmed on the answering machine to the fax
machine with feature #12 (p. 55).
●The greeting message has a silent pause longer than 4
seconds. Re-record the greeting message.
Cause & Remedy
I cannot receive documents
I cannot receive voice
I cannot retrieve recorded voice
messages on the answering
machine from a remote
The greeting message on the
answering machine is interrupted
halfway and the caller cannot
leave a voice message.
●You cannot make a copy during programming. Make the
copy after programming or stop the programming.
●The glass or rollers are dirty. Clean them (p. 74).
●The thermal head is dirty. Clean it (p. 75).
●Some paper has instructions recommending which side to
print on. Try turning the paper over. We recommend
smooth paper such as Hammermill Jet Print for clearer
●You may have used paper with a cotton and/or fiber
content that is over 20%, such as letterhead or resume
paper. We recommend smooth paper such as
Hammermill Jet Print for clearer printing.
Cause & Remedy
The unit does not make a copy.
A dirty pattern or a black line
appears on the copied
The copied image is distorted.
The printing quality is poor.
The printing is faint.
Original Copy