Controls and Their Functions
Power Supply Section
eBattery holder
The battery pack (option) made by Anton Bauer is mounted onto this holder.
fDC IN (external power input) connector (XLR, 4P)
The AJ-B75 AC adaptor (option) is plugged into this socket when the unit is to be operated by
AC power. An external battery is plugged in when an external battery is to be used to operate
the unit.
gBREAKER (circuit breaker) button
In order to protect the equipment, the circuit breaker is tripped and the power is automatically
turned off when an excessively high level of power flows inside. Upon completion of the internal
inspection and adjustments, push this button back in. The power will come back on provided
that there is no trouble inside the unit.
hPOWER switch
ON: Set to this position to turn on the unit’s power.
OFF: Set to this position to turn off the unit’s power.