Panasonic VQT2X16, DMC-FZ40 Taking pictures with your favorite settings, Program AE Mode

Models: VQT2X16 DMC-FZ40

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[REC] Mode: ³

Taking pictures with your favorite settings

(: Program AE Mode)

The camera automatically sets the shutter speed and the aperture value according to the brightness of the subject.

You can take pictures with greater freedom by changing various settings in [REC] menu.

Set the mode dial to [].



Aim the AF area at the point you want to focus on.

Press the shutter button halfway to focus.

The focus range is 30 cm (0.99 feet) (Wide)/2 m (6.57 feet) (Tele) to ¶.

Press the halfway pressed shutter button fully to take a picture.

(ENG) VQT2X16 23

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Panasonic VQT2X16, DMC-FZ40 operating instructions Taking pictures with your favorite settings, Program AE Mode