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∫Intelligent Auto ModeWhen switching to Intelligent Auto Mode, the Auto Whi te Balance and Auto Focus operate and
automatically adjust the colour balance and focusing .
Depending on the brightness of the subject, etc., the aperture and shutter speed are automatically
adjusted for optimum brightness.
≥Colour balance and focus may not be adjusted automat ically depending on light sources or
scenes. If so, manually adjust these settings. (l54, 56)
Automatic White BalanceThe illustration shows the range over which Automati c White Balance functions.
1) The effective range of Automatic White Balance adjustment
on this unit
2) Blue sky
3) Cloudy sky (rain)
4) Sunlight
5) White fluorescent lamp
6) Halogen light bulb
7) Incandescent light bulb
8) Sunrise or sunset
9) Candlelight
If the Automatic White Balance is not functioning normally, adjust
the White Balance manually. (l54)
Auto FocusThe unit focuses automatically.
≥Auto Focus does not work correctly in the following situatio ns.
Record pictures in the Manual Focus Mode. (l56)
jRecording distant and close-up objects at the same time
jRecording a subject behind dirty or dusty window
jRecording a subject that is surrounded by objects with glossy surfaces or by highly reflective
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