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HOME menu displays
REF: This indicates the status of the output reference signal
which has been selected by the VTR.
HD REF59: HD REF with a field frequency of 59.94 Hz is
HD REF47: HD REF with a field frequency of 47.96 Hz is
HD REF48: HD REF with a field frequency of 48.00 Hz is
HD REF50: HD REF with a field frequency of 50.00 Hz is
SD REF59: The NTSC signal is selected as the SD REF
SD REF50: The PAL signal is selected as the SD REF sig-
HD IN59: The HD serial input with a frame frequency of
29.97 Hz is selected as the REF signal.
HD IN47: The HD serial input with a frame frequency of
23.98 Hz is selected as the REF signal.
HD IN48: The HD serial input with a frame frequency of
24.00 Hz is selected as the REF signal.
HD IN50: The HD serial input with a frame frequency of
25.00 Hz is selected.
SD IN: The SD serial input is selected as the REF sig-
nal. (SD IN can be selected only when 525i has
been selected as the VTR’s system format.)
HD FREE: The HD internal signal generator is used since
no REF signal has been selected using the
OUT REF setting.
SD FREE: The SD internal signal generator is used since
no REF signal has been selected using the
OUT REF setting.
*DUAL: HD REF47 and SD REF59 have been selected
This setting takes effect when 1080/23psf has
been selected as the VTR’s system format,
AUTO has been selected by the OUT REF set-
ting, and two of the above REF signals have
been input.
°This VTR uses the HD REF and SD REF sig-
nals as a reference for entering the 24 #60
conversion inside the unit.