SettingtheAnsweringMachineto RecordIncomingMessages
Recordingfrom the beginningof the ICMtape
Pressthe POWERON/OFFbutton to turn on the unit. (ThePOWERindicatorlights.)
After 7 seconds, the unit will be ready to answer the calls. (Answer mode)
lN USE indicator |
Pressthe REWbuttonto rewindthetape.
Theunitwillresetandbe readvto answer thenextcall.
REWbutton |
Recordingafterthe last recordedmessage
PLAYBACKPAUSE Pressthe PLAYBACI(PAUSE buttonto playbackallthe recordedmessages.
Theunitannouncesthe numberof recorded messages.
Afterplayback,"End of finalmessage"will beannouncedandthe unitwillautomatically be readyto answerthe nextcall.All the recordedmessageswill be saved.
Recordingafterthe messagesyou wantto save
T Answermode
t t
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Pressthe PLAYBACKPAUSE buttonto playbackthetapeto theendofthemessageyouwant tosave.
Theunitannouncesthenumberof recordedmessages.
Pressthe PLAYBACI(PAUSE buttonagainto pausetheunit.
The lN USE indicatorflashes.(pause mode)
Pressthe REWbuttonandthe PLAYBACI(PAUSEbutton simultaneously.
Whena callis received,the unitanswerscalls.
I To changethe recordingtime,seepages17and18.
tlf you do not want the unit to answerthe call, pressthe POWERON/OFF buttonto turnoffthe unit.The POWERindicatorwillgo out.
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The lN USE indicatorgoesout and the
Newcallswill be recordedafterthe messageyou havesaved.
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