| SettingtheAnsweringMachineto RecordIncomingMessages | 39 | |
| Recordingfromthebeginningof the ICMtape . . | 40 | |
| Recordingafterthe lastrecordedmessage | 40 | |
| Recordingafterthe messagesyouwantto save . . | 40 | |
| Listeningto the RecordedMessages | 4 1 | |
| Voicetime/daystamp | 41 | |
| Playingbackthetapefromthe beginning | 42 | |
| Playingbackthe newlyrecordedmessages | 42 | |
jtil VoiceMenu | 43 | ||
| Remotesynthesizedvoiceinstruction | 43 | |
| Goingto thevoicemenu | 4J | |
r: | DirectRemoteOoeration | 46 | |
46 | |||
t | |||
& | Rewinding/fastforwardingwhilelisteningto themessages | 46 | |
.t | |||
| ||
t | Resettingthe ICMtapefor futuremessage | 47 | |
* | Recordingyourmessagewithoutlisteningto theOGM | 48 | |
Recordinga newOGM(OutgoingMessage) | 49 | ||
| |||
| ChangingOGMmode(1 or 2) | 50 | |
| Turningon thespeakerphone(AnswerBack) . | 5'l | |
i | Setting/cancelingthe answermoderemotely . . . . | 52 | |
| Transferringthe ICM | 53 | |
| InitialprogrammingfortransferringICM | 53 | |
| RecordingthetransferOGM | 53 | |
| CheckingyourtransferOGM . | 54 | |
| Storingthe telephonenumberintothe transfermemorystation | 55 | |
| Settingthetransfermode. . | 5 b | |
| Listeningto thetransferredICM | 57 | |
| Storinga transfernumberfrom a remotephone . | 58 | |
| Settingthe transfermoderemotely | 58 | |
| O t h e r F e a t u r e s | 59 | |
q | Recordinga personalmessages(MessageMemo) | 59 | |
{t | Recordinga | 60 | |
$ ' | Screeningincomingcalls. . | 6 1 | |
| Erasingthe recordedmessages | 6 1 | |
I | LiquidCrystalDisplay | 63 | |
AnnouncementbvtheUnit | 64 | ||
I | |||
t | ' | 65 | |
f | TroubleshootingGuide | ||
| WallMounting | 67 | |
| ReferenciaRapida(SpanishQuickReference). . | ||
| AccessoryOrderlnformation ... | 80 | |
| Maintenance | 82 | |
| Precaution | 84 | |
| lmoortantInformation | 85 | |
| U, |