Thefollowingfunctionsareavailableduringmessage playback.
To rewindthetapeduringplayback
Keeppressingthe REWbutton.
-The unitrewindsthe tapeas longas you pressthe button,andstartsto playbackagainwhenyou releaseit.
To fast forwardthe tapeduringplayback
To stop the operation
Keeppressingthe FF button.
-The unitforwardsthe tapeas longas you pressthe button,and startsto playbackagainwhenyou releaseit.
Pressthe STOP buttonto stop playing back,or otheroperation.
In caseyour unit is not in playbackoperation.
Whenyoupressthe REWbutton,the unitrewindsthetapeto the beginning automatically.
Whenyoupressthe FF button,the unitforwardsthe tapeto theendof the
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