I AbsentMessageCapability I Call Forwarding(FWD) Therearenineflexibleabscntmessages Automaticallylransfersincomingcalls
available. If you select,a messageit will be shownon the displayof the calling pafly'stelephone.
I AccountCodeEntry
CO calls,for accountingandbilling purposes.
If required,youcanbeforcedto gntcr anaccountcodebcforedialing.
IAutomatic Callback Busy
WhentheselectcdCOlineor cxtcnsion youhavcdialcdis busy,dial lhccarnp- on codeandhangup. Yourtelcphonc will ringwhcnthecalledpartyis idle. Whenyouanswer,theirphonerings.
IBackgroundMusic(BGM) Backgroundmusic,fromanexternal source,is
I Busy StationSignaling(BSS)
Youcaninforma busyextension,which
waiting. Theextensionhcarsftree
to anothcrextcnsionor to an extemal destination.The following typesare available:
- All Calls
All incoming calls are forwarded to anothercxtcnsion.
- Busy
All incomingcallsareforwardedto anothcrextcnsion,whcnyour extensionisbusy.
- No Answer
All incomingcallsareforwardcdto anothcrextension,if youdon'tanswer thecall.
- Ilusy/NoAnsu'er
All incomingcallswill bcforwardcd to anothcrcxtcnsion,if youdon't answcror yourextcnsionis busy.
- to C0 Line*
All inconringcallsareforwardcdto a COLinc.
- FollorvMe
Allowsyouto rcmol.clysctCall
r Call Hold
Allowsyouto holdancxtcnsionora
I Call Park
Allowsyouto "parka call" sothatany extcnsioncanretrieveit.
I Call Pickup
Allowsyouto answer callringingat anotherextension.