2. Setting Up Your Phone
26 Issued April 2000 DBS-32-755
5. Press
6. Replace the handset or press ON/OFF.
• To use an FF key’s function, press the key.
• To change an FF key’s setup, use the procedures described above.
Clearing an FF Key’s Programming
1. Pick up the handset or press ON/OFF.
2. Press
3. Press the desired FF key.
4. Press
5. Replace the handset or press ON/OFF.
Checking FF Key Setup
1. Pick up the handset or press ON/OFF.
2. Press
3. Press the FF key.
4. The assigned function appears on the display.
5. Replace the handset or press ON/OFF.
Note: If the FF key is dedicated to an outside line, “CO Key ...” will appear on
the display. These keys cannot be reassigned except by the system
administrator or DBS dealer.
Setting Up Personal Speed DialingYour telephone provides several ways to assign and use personal speed
dialing. The most efficient way is to assign frequently called numbers to your
phone’s one-touch or soft keys.