To charge a call in progress:
or ø1. Press Tran sfe r or Conference.
µ or 2. Press Charge, or enter the Call Detail
Recording FFC, or enter the SPREcode
followed by
3. Dial the charge account number.
∫ 2637 4. Press the DN Key to return to your call.
To charge a call to an account when
you transfer a call:
1. Press Tran sfe r. The call is on hold.
µ or 2. Press Charge, or enter the Call Detail
Recording FFC, or enter the SPREcode
followed by
3. Dial the charge account number.
4. When you hear dial tone, Dial the
number you want the call transferred
5. Press Tran sfer when you hear ringing,
or after you talk privately to the person
you are transferring the call to.
To charge a call to an account when
you add someone to a conference
ø1. Press Conference. The call is on hold.
µ or 2. Press Charge, or enter the Call Detail
Recording FFC, or enter the SPREcode
followed by
3. Dial the charge account number.
Making a call: Call Charge/Forced Charge