24 203987 Rev A RCP2-1000 RM Remote Controller Operations Manual Redundancy
Under this menu, the user may select the following redundancy settings for units in a
1:1 redundant mode.
• Switching - User may select between Auto and Manual switching.
• Standby Select - Allows user to select between Standby and Online states.
• Standby Mode - User may select either Hot Standby or Cold Standby.
• Unit Status - Allows user to select between HPA1 and HPA2. Mode
Selects the logical state machine used by the controller. Available choices are Stand-
alone; 1:1 Redundancy; and 1:1 Phase Combined. SSPA ID
Retrieves the serial number and firmware version of the connected SSPA. Fault Setup
• BUC Fault - Allows the user to select the Action and the Fault Logic for fault
conditions associated with the BUC. User can select the following Actions:
Fault + Mute; Fault; Alert; Ignore. User can select the following Fault Logic
parameters: Fault on High; Fault on Low.
• Auxiliary Faults - Allows the user to select the Action and the Fault Logic
for fault conditions associated with the Auxiliary connections. User can select
the following Actions: Fault + Mute; Fault; Alert; Ignore. User can select the
following Fault Logic parameters: Fault on High; Fault on Low.
• RF Switch Faults - Determines whether a switch fault should cause a major
alarm and attempt to switch, or simply show an alert on the front panel, the
latter case considered a minor alarm. Choices are: Fault, which is the Major
Alarm mode and produces a summary alarm; and Alert, which is the Minor
Alarm mode and does not produce a summary alarm.
• Low RF Fault - Alerts the user when the output power falls below the thresh-
old value, which is adjustable by the user with 1dBm steps via the Set Level
menu. Fault handling is adjustable by the user, who may choose between
Alert Only (Minor Fault), Fault (Major Fault), and Ignore (No Fault tracking).
3.2.4 Panel Setup Sub-Menu
This menu allows the user to select system-specific options. Buzzer
Toggles the audible alarm buzzer on/off. Factory default is Enabled.