Configuration Scenarios
D-293610-A2-GB41-60 March 1999
Diag – Gen
Position: Cntrl for control; Trib for tributary
LinkConfig: M-Pt
DTE Port: EIA232
RTS Control: FrcOn
Auto Bckup: N/A for control; Disab for tributary
AutoRestor: N/A for control; Disab for tributary
Set the extended bridge configuration options as
follows (Configuration Worksheet for Bridge Mode):
MUX – Setup
MUX Funct: EBrdg
Bridge Rate: 56
Brdg Timing: Auto
Lowest Port#: 2
# Ports in Gp: 2
Port Cntrl: Host
Share DevB: Disab
Prt2 and Prt3 (Prt4 through Prt6 N/A)
RTS Cntrl: DTE
Elast Stor: Enab
RTS/CTS Del: 0
DTR Alarm: Disab
TxElastStor: Enab
AggrSwitch: Disab
Diag – DSU
Diag Type: Disr
Disr Type: 3600e
Diag – Gen
Position: Cntrl
LinkConfig: M-Pt
DTE Port: V.35
Set configuration options for automatic partial backup
using the tributary Switched 56 DBMs, DBM-Ss, or
DBM-Ds as follows (Configuration Worksheet for Basic
(DBM-V, DBM-S, or DBM-D) Mode):
Diag �� DBM
Diag Type: Disr
RemoteDiag: Enhan
Diag – Gen
Position: Cntrl
LinkConfig: M-Pt
AutoAnswer: Enab
TxElasStor: Enab
RxElasStor: Disab
Call Setup: Pswrd
RxPwd: enter received password
TxPwd: enter transmit password
Primary Core: Yes (DBM-Ss or DBM-Ds only)
DTRCallCon: Orig
DTE Port: EIA232
RTS Cntrl: FrcOn
CTS Cntrl: Std
AntiStream: Disab
LSD Lead: Std
CTS Lead: Std
DSR FrcOn: Disab
Auto Bckup: Disab
AutoRestor: Disab