COMSPHERE 392xPlus Modems
3-46 November 1996 3920-A2-GN31-30
Cloning a Single TMp Remote
Choose DLL Type >
Single Multiple
F2 F3
the F1 key to select Single Clone Remote.
Choose Address:
Ent xxx
F2 F3
The address field (xxx) displays the network management address of the modem that receives the
download. The valid address field range is from 001 to 256.
To increment digits within the address field (xxx), use the
keys to position the cursor
( _ ) under the digit to be incremented. Press the F2 () key to increment the digit.
Press F1 (Ent) to select the modem that will receive the download.
Choose Password:
Ent yyyyyyyy
F2 F3
The password field (yyyyyyyy) displays the remote access password for the modem that will
receive the download.
To increment digits within the password field (yyyyyyyy), use the
keys to position the
cursor ( _ ) under the digit to be incremented. Press the F2 (
) key to increment the digit.
Press Enter (Ent) to select the modem that will receive the download.
After completing these actions, proceed to the section titled Implementing a Clone Remote