Hotwirer TDM SDSL Termination Units
Models 8775 and 8785
Installation Instructions
Document Number
February 2001
Product Documentation Online
Complete documentation for this product, including configuration options and cable pin assignments, is available at www.paradyne.com. Select Library → Technical Manuals
→Hotwire DSL & MVL Systems.
Select the following document:
Hotwire TDM SDSL Termination Units, Models 8775 and 8785, User’s Guide
For information about the DSLAM or MCC, select from the following documents:
Hotwire Management Communications Controller (MCC) Card, IP Conservative, User’s Guide
Hotwire Management Communications Controller (MCC) Card
User’s Guide
Hotwire 8610 DSLAM Installation Instructions
Hotwire 8810 DSLAM Installation Instructions
Hotwire 8820 GranDSLAM Installation Instructions
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