! if the MUM is in slot 13 (IPD12000) or slot 5 (IPD4000)
! if the MUM is in slot 14 (IPD12000)
e.Log in with a default username and password (both of which are case sensitive). Please note that General Users have "read only" access; for NMS configuration you must log in as a Superuser.
!general / Password
!superuser / Password
NOTE Once accessed initially, the management system within the MUM can be configured such that NMS and SNMP can be reached from any computer on your network. For further instruction please refer to the Management User Guide for IP and Mini DSLAMs.
a.Establish a connection with the MUM either directly (through the Ethernet RJ45 MGMT port on the MUM faceplate) or, if the system has been so configured, from a PC on your network.
b.For direct connections verify that the MGMT LNK LED on the MUM faceplate is illuminated indicating the connection has been established.
c.Launch a web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer (v4.0 or higher) or Netscape Navigator (v4.0 or higher).
d.Enter the assigned IP address* into the address field at the top of your browser window. Press the Enter key.
e.Log in with your assigned username and password.* Please note that General Users have "read only" access; for NMS configuration you must log in as a Superuser.
*If the IP address, username or password is unknown, contact your System Administrator or Information Technology Manager.
Default Settings
No configuration is necessary for the
Management Password Administration Defaults*
General Username: | general | Super Username: | superuser |
General Password: | Password | Super Password: | Password |
*Usernames and passwords are case sensitive.